Thursday, May 21, 2009

Childhood Rights of Passage

This weekend the kids, Paul and I watched my VERY favorite movie of ALL time! It was so fun for me to introduce it to my children and hope that they would love it as well. One wonderful scene after another I reminisced as we watched these scenes together.

If thinking of "a few of my favorite things," I might think of this movie and its songs. I watched Cait's face all throughout the movie thinking..."she's going to be singing these songs for weeks from now."

"Yodelei, yodelei, yodeloo"...yep, singing it for weeks from her sweet little mouth.

Another milestone of childhood this weekend was my children's first experience with the ice cream truck. We were in Fort Worth working on Paul's house (yes again) and we heard it. Ya know, that ice cream music that is the dead ringer give away that the ice cream man was on is way. They were so excited to make their choice and spend their own money on their ice cream. SOmehow they didn't even know what an ice cream truck was. We've never had one drive by in our neighborhood. Crazy huh?

It was just a fun family weekend. I so enjoy beign a mom. I admit that it is MORE wonderful when you have someone to share it with. Someone to snicker with at the funny things the kids say, share the joys and the fruit of our labor. We're thankful for the task that has been set before us and so grateful that we can share the task as a team.


Mindy said...


I still have your VHS copy of Sound of Music that I bought from you at one of our infamous garage sales. My kids have all seen it over and over and they do break out in song at random times! I love it!

We also have an ice cream truck that comes through here daily, but we don't buy from it! :o) We'd go broke if we did. We tell them we can buy a whole box of ice cream for that price and we can buy REAL ice cream. Of course, I understand the nostalgia and family memory in your situation...we have bought from him at the pool a few times, but not daily.

Thank you for sharing your sweet family with al of us. I love and miss you and can't wati to see you. TWICE in August.

ann clary said...

Sounds so fun. I should break that one out. I know Truth would really love it. She's always jumping around, twirling, and singing whatever comes to her mind.

Anonymous said...

So Sweet! So, are you guys moving to Fort Worth? I have wanted to catch up with you for far to long! Life has been a whirlwind! I am so encouraged by how the Lord has so orchestrated your life. When I read your blog it seems as if you are sometimes also trying to believe where you have come....God is so gracious! Cynthia

Unknown said...

so my kids both LOoooooove this movie and sing it all the time, especially Julia, in fact I think I heard her singing Do a dear just this morning! Good times!