Happy birthday to you Mr. midget pirate!

B is whacking to heck out of this pinata! I was a nervous wreck!! None of this gentle hitting so that everyone else could get a turn and the birthday boy finally being the one to bust it open. NO! He was giving it all he had!

The birthday booger. He hates to be called booger!

Cait is such a girl!!! I don't know if she ever made contact with that pinata!

This little pirate is a buddy of Eli's, but he's so stinkin cute that I couldn't resist posting his sweet face up here!

The whole gang of kiddos
Here I was making fun of my hubby because of his pouting that my phone has GPS and his does not (thank you baby for my new phone!!!). So, I made him one with his very own GPS. I added a compass to his phone!!! hee hee!

Fun times and fun memories!