YUMMY kabobs
Even yummier chicken wraps!!!! We also had cole slaw, hawaiian meatballs, rice and a yummy hawaiian cake.
After we ate it was game time!
Hula Hoop contest
Mendy think she's #1! She might have been had Lilly Jean not needed a hug in the middle of the contest!!!
Aunt D was the winner!!!
Coconut races
The kids invented their own game of coconut bowling. Pretty clever, I thought!
Delish pina coladas
Beautiful Hawaiian girl
This is a joke between us. B can't eat a strawberry without getting a little red mark on the sides of his mouth. Here he is sporting that strawberry mark.
Lilly Jean surfing on our decorative surf board. Can you see it under her feet?
Then we cracked open a coconut to have a taste. It was.....sooooo yucky!!!! Glad I let Paul taste it first! hee hee
LOVE this picture!
Kristi freaked me out with her bendiness. She was our champ!
Although, it does run in the family
Can't WAIT until next year!!!